Log analysis assistance
Suggests causation learned from previously analysed logs
Loganno can help you with:
Suggests causation learned from previously analysed logs
Fingerprints the root-cause to easily find duplications
Catches diviations from the normal execution flow
Tracks correlation between code changes and tests
Loganno automatically understands your logs and converts them into a numerical representation. Then it applies a range of machine learning and deep learning algorithms to determine common patterns across successful runs. Once a failure happens, Loganno determines the most likely root cause and tracks it down to a particular logline. It also detects duplications across multiple failures and provides other insights.
As engineers ourselves, we know every team has a great variety of tools and practices. We do all the heavy lifting by integrating with your log format and structure, performing initial system training and fine-tuning and integrating with your CI and issue tracking systems.